Where are the female Audiophiles?

Based on my limited experience, I would guess that 98% of Audiophiles are male. But 51% of our population is female. What gives?

In this age where females and males are equally represented in Universities and in the Professions, why is this still true?

I would guess that it is a cultural thing, can't be genetic can it?
Is it different in other parts of the World?

Showing 2 responses by ferrari

During my years in high end audio, my demographics mirrored what has been said here. Clearly my customer base was 99 percent white male caucasan basically (WASP). I had two afro american customers, one hispanic, one asian and two women. I had often wondered how a business such as high end audio could attract a more diverse audience, but could never come up with a solution and here it is some 26 years later and it appears the rut is still in place.

When it came to buying Records, Tapes, didn't have CD in those days the numbers were vastly different. So the interest in music is quite universal, but the gear only appeals to the WASPs among us. This is indeed a strange phenonomen. A large buying audience with disposable income, that does not buy high end gear, but buys the music.

The two women that bought the gear, were musicians with a large local symphony orchestra as well as chamber ensemble.
If anyone can find the keys to this kingdom, it is instant overnight success. As far as my wife is concerned she has always heard good systems, but with her as well it is the music that interest her and not the gear. She can't explain it to me why that is.
I am not talking about vocalist now, but instrumentalist women in jazz, and with the exception of Mary Lou Williams, Marian McPhartland and newcomer Mindi Abair, there remains very few women in jazz, that can relate to other women. Perhaps this is part of the problem why women do not shop for jazz such as men do. There just isn't many role models for them to choose from. I would dare say ask any woman shopping today online or in a record store do they know Marian McPhartland or Mary Lou Williams, I think you will get a blank stare.