Where 2 buy 3x distilled water and 100 alchohol?

I want to clean my records with triple distilled scientific water and 100% pure alchohol. Do you know where they can be purchased in quantities of 4 to 10 gallons of water and 1 to 2 gallons of alchohol?

Thanks for the support,

Bill E.

Showing 3 responses by inpepinnovations1e75

Dekay, I wouldn't worry about the iso-propanol extracting the plasiciser from the vinyl, not methanol nor ethanol. Just stay clear of denatured ethanol, because the denaturant is sometimes benzene, which would be harmful. The other alcohols do not contain denaturant, as they are not drinkable anyway, which is why the ethanol is denatured, to discourage people from drinking it.

As for mixing armagnac with water (any water), I frown upon that habit, just as adding water to good scotch!


Bob P.
Bill E.. I take it that you are going to mix the alcohol with the distilled water. In that case, you don't need 100% alcohol, which is difficult to find. I use the methanol sold in hardware stores, which is pure enough. I suppose that you are talking about methanol and not ethanol or iso-propanol. The need for triple distilled water is also questionable. Simple distilled water should be sufficient, if you are intending to use it for vinyl disc cleaning.

A good and cheap substitute for distilled water is to collect the water from a clean room dehumidifier.


Bob P.
Dekay, The word is plasticiser. I used to run a plasticiser plant (there are several different types, but most are esters and are very effective in dissolving rubbers and plastics, vinyl included). The ester, btw, is made by reacting an alcohol with an organic acid, which explains why alcohols will dissolve the plasticiser somewhat.

I also ran a synthetic ethanol plant and one of the tests for purity of the alcohol was to dilute the ethanol to 15% with water and check the odour, the water driving off the odour causing chemicals so that you can smell them better. That would explain why adding water to scotch seems to open up the taste and odour, since pure ethanol is both odourless and tasteless. Its the impurities that give good spirits their taste and aroma, just like its the distortions that give audio components their identity and characteristics.


Bob P.