Where 2 buy 3x distilled water and 100 alchohol?

I want to clean my records with triple distilled scientific water and 100% pure alchohol. Do you know where they can be purchased in quantities of 4 to 10 gallons of water and 1 to 2 gallons of alchohol?

Thanks for the support,

Bill E.

Showing 2 responses by dekay

Hi Bill:

Agree with Bob, but switched to 91% Isopropyl alcohal (available @ many drug/grocery stores for $1.50/Pt as it should not not contain toxins that are sometimes created during higher levels of distillation (such as is possible with the higher grade electrician'e alcohal that I used before). Think that benzeine (not certain if this is the one, but it's something like this) can sometimes be a bi-product of the higher distillation technique.

I wonder about alcohal effecting plastsizers over time (though have experienced no noticable damage with some LP's that I still own and that were cleaned with various alcohal/water solutions over the past 30 years:-), so use only a 20/80 mixture, by volume (plus the alcohal is already diluted @ 91%) and then rinse the crap out of the LP with a Water-Pik and distilled water. I have a gizmo (Groovmaster) that protects the label area of the LP during the cleaning/rinsing process and use a long bristled brush for the cleaning itself. If you use a vacuum/brush machine then that's fine, maybe do a second "rinse only" cycle if you have the patience?

For various formulas check out the vinyl and tweaker's forums @ Audio Asylum. Some people add a few drops of "Photo Flow" to the mix (allows the solution to reach/flow deep into the grooves) as well as a mild detergent. I figure that most are fine as long as they are not left on the LP for a long period of time (the shorter the duration the better) and also granted that the LP receives a good rinsing following the cleaning.

I go through a gallon of my home brew per week cleaning up thrift shop finds (since it's cheap I don't chintz on it which I would most likely do if I were paying $30-$60/gallon for the stuff).
Hi Bob: It was just something that I read @ AA along with the possibility that my old 99.953% alcohal may contain (as a bi-product) a nasty chemical, albeit in small trace amounts. I believe that this info came from chemists @ the site.

As far as the brandy goes a drop of two of branch will open up the bouquet and sweeten the taste a bit (same with Scotch and Bourbon).

I was @ a "grip" shop in Hollywood and ran across some plasticising (is that a word?) products (sprays and liquids). Don't know much about this in general, so did not pick any up.

I may even start using filtered tap water (instead of distilled). We just picked up new/improved filters for a PUR that claim to remove everything. I hate lugging water home.