When You Buy The Whole Album And Only Like One Song.

Over fifty years of buying music, I've bought scores of albums because of one track...only to find out that one track was the only one on the entire album that was listenable to me.

'Losalamitoslovesong'.... by Gene Harris on the 'Astralsignal' album is but one example.









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The internet is awesome.  You don’t have to buy entire albums to get the single song you want.  In my pre-internet days, as a newly-turntabled young man, I loved that I could buy “Alone Again, Naturally” on 45 and not have to own a whole Gilbert O’Sullivan CD or LP, or that the same could be achieved for “Voices Carry” by Til Tuesday, and many other one-hit wonders who had a humdinger of a hit.
I’ve indeed begrudgingly purchased entire albums for one song, but when that song became available in a digital form, I got rid of the crappy CD/vinyl LP containing 95% crap and talking up space and making me feel embarrassed to own 😜

However, there’s something fun about having something, something that’s good,  on a physical format that is currently unavailable digitally.  It feels special.

I love purchasing vinyl or cassettes and discovering a gem.

I grabbed a cool-looking Girl Groups compilation cassette at a record store a year ago.  It yielded a rare gem I’d not heard before: “I Can’t Let Go” by Evie Sands (eventually a Hollies single) and it knocked my socks off.  When I made a mix-tape and wanted to include it, I had to use YouTube as the source.   Couldn’t find a digital copy anywhere. That original 45 goes for $150-$300 in good shape.