When You Buy The Whole Album And Only Like One Song.

Over fifty years of buying music, I've bought scores of albums because of one track...only to find out that one track was the only one on the entire album that was listenable to me.

'Losalamitoslovesong'.... by Gene Harris on the 'Astralsignal' album is but one example.









Showing 4 responses by edcyn

I've purchased more than my share of albums over the years to get that "one cut" only to discover that everything else on the record was, how shall I say, underwhelming.. It's one of the things that made me a regular at the used record store, getting rid of records I couldn't stomach seeing on my shelves.   Luckily, the internet has put that situation in the past tense. 

@bdp24 Yeah, I agree about 45's. I've got a shoe box of them. The trouble is that a good half of them are terribly pressed. They can possess alarmingly spitty sibilants and surfaces as noisy as an old 78.. Center holes can be hilariously off-center, something that results in near nausea-inducing wow. Because you have to cue them up so far into the center of a rapidly-spinning turntable, getting your needle into the lead-in groove can be the equivalent of brain surgery. The lead-in groove is almost always extremely short, commonly an eighth of an inch. The lead-in groove is also often beveled in a direction that wants to send your multi-zillion dollar Lyra cartridge zooming out onto your not-exactly welcoming high-end turntable mat. Okay...  I'll stop now....

@bdp24 I worked on the WB lot for years. Before that, I worked at Universal but those cheapskates parked me and my fellow story analysts in a crummy motel across the street behind the post office. We probably crossed paths a couple times.


In any case, in time the internet finally developed to the point where we could work remotely from home.


Every location you name rings a bell. I saw Quentin Tarantino at the Bob's, one lunchtime. George Clooney, Julia Roberts, etc. etc.  In any case, I was fully ready for retirement when WB and my union mandated it.