When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad

Now it seems like it dominates the music industry, movies and fashion. My only question is why?


Showing 2 responses by tubegroover

The biggest problem I have with RAP/Hip Hop isn’t that it’s for the most part bad music, it’s just so booring. I’ve actually heard some cuts over the years that I rather like, when it actually integrates decent music to clever lyrics with that rhyming and timing.

I am of the opinion that good music, that which has a timeless appeal that transcends generations and cultures, has always been rather rare. Pop/secular music has always been, in Western culture at least, a reflection of what is going on in society. RAP generally reminds me that things aren’t going so well , a selfish, disrespect that is SO prevalent in many of the banal lyrics. All things must past and so will RAP evolve or be replaced. I agree, it’s gone on way too long unfortunately.
 I really liked Run DMC,  and SOME of PEs early works, some real honest social commentary  but this was before RAP decidedly took a wrong turn with the likes of 2 Live Crew and their pornographic obscene objectifying of women, one of the original gangsta rappers. Didn't know who they were at the time but when I was visiting a job site and one of my workers was playing it through his boom box at higher than acceptable dbs, that is for all those that might object to that garbage to hear and with legitimate reason. The young man, who really was clueless and really a nice kid had to be told that not everyone was digging the rhymes as much as he was. THIS was my first negative impression of RAP aside from some of the talented groups that have come since, Black Eyed Peas? Kanye West epitomizes everything I distain about the RAP culture aside from whatever talent he exhibits.To publicly do what he shamelessly did to a fellow artist on a nationally televised major music award show,with his prestige demonstrates that SOMETHING is wrong either with him or the fact that he feels entitled to do it.

I was thinking about this, I always thought of Run DMC as the "first" rap group that I could clearly identify as RAP artists. Then it occurred to me that maybe it was THIS artist, maybe with a bit less funk.
