When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad

Now it seems like it dominates the music industry, movies and fashion. My only question is why?


Showing 1 response by rlwainwright

TostadosUnidos offered: "Rap is not a form of rock and roll--it is rope-skipping rhymes set to a beat."

Perfect description if ever I saw one.  IMHO, Rap is "music" for the lazy and uncultured.  Think about it, what does it take to put together a Rap group and start churning out "songs"?  The answer?  All it takes is a few guys getting together with some microphones and a recording device.  There is NO need to devote any time to leaning how to play an instrument well and with learning how to integrate your playing with the rest of the band members.  You can put the whole thing together in an afternoon and then load it up to YouTube for distribution/consumption.  This is the sad byproduct of our instant gratification culture.

I'd be willing to bet that upwards of 95% of rappers cannot play *any* instrument at all.  The really sad part is that most of today's "music" buyers are willing to shell out hard-earned dough for this lame garbage. 

I really don't blame the rappers, I blame the lazy ass, baggy pants wearing public (mostly white, BTW) for supporting this garbage for nigh on 30 years now.  I cool guarantee you that 20 years from now Rap will be seen as nothing more than a nasty pothole on the road to musical excellence.

The one question that has never been answered to my satisfaction is where *do* you go to buy those baseball caps with the brims on the side?  Every one I've ever seen always has the brim in the front.  I must be shopping at the wrong stores....
