When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad

Now it seems like it dominates the music industry, movies and fashion. My only question is why?


Showing 3 responses by oblgny

Hmmm...interesting discourse here. 

As as I was re-alphabetizing my vinyl collection recently I came across Public Enemy's "Fear Of a Black Planet" and two Beastie Boys releases- the debut album and "Paul's Boutique."  Conspicuous by their absence are any newer releases in the category, perhaps because I don't listen to radio all that much, perhaps because the more current stuff is virtually without merit. 
The same can be said for most popular music in general; it's pretty boring. 

BUT...I'm not a youngster anymore. My parents did not like Led Zeppelin, The Stones, etc. etc. etc, and so on.  That was probably a part of the attraction!

I didn't listen to or really know about jazz until I heard Blue Rondo Ala Turk one day. 
Kapowie!  My music collection prior to hearing that had been virtually 100% classic rock and r&b, now it's more like 60/40 jazz to classic rock. People can change is what I'm saying. 

The next musical wave?  Whaling songs!
Disco was a fad,  rap/hip-hop is here to stay.

Orchestral music,  opera,  jazz...they ain't dead,  either.

Weird Al Yankovic is still around, too,  and I've never found him amusing in the least BUT...some people still do.

I'm sitting here ripping music into my music server,  culling recordings that make me think,  "what was I thinking?"  Here goes Public Enemy immediately after Paul Simon...  (I don't have that many "P" artists,  hmmmm)