When does speaker distortion become audible?

I recently got some seas excel speakers and when I fired them up for the first time I thought to myself "wow, there's no distortion".

I find this interesting because I never really thought I was hearing any distortion from my previous speakers but maybe I was, and just didn't pick up on it until now.

Interesting side note, I think my personal speaker taste is moving towards less analytical, super detailed sound to a more musical, tone based preference (I think I'm becoming less tone deaf, lol).

Showing 1 response by acoustat6

Hi BIF, what does it take in your mind to come up with nonsensical lines like this,
"Sustained listening at 100 db will rupture the organs in small animals and damage one's hearing."

And not put a smiley face after it:)

"If the first 100db suck, why continue?"