When did audio goners now have to pay to see the book value of equipment??

I just went to see some used prices of equipment and now it says you have to pay to see this ? When did this happen? I think this is ridiculous!!!! 
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Showing 1 response by csmgolf

I seem to remember that many years ago, the Bluebook was free. That changed probably a dozen or more years ago. I subscribed to the Bluebook for 1 year after that. I found it to be not very useful. It gave equal weighting to the price of a piece when it was current production to the same piece when it was out of production for several years.                     The Audio Research Reference 3 would be a good example. The resale price now would be nowhere near what it was in 2008. If you want to see what items are listed for and selling for currently, use hifishark. They give you both prices for current listings from multiple sites as well as for expired or sold ads. While it doesn't give the actual sale price, it does give you the price when the piece was listed. It is, IMO, much closer to what the actual market for the piece is than the bluebook ever was.