Whats up with Carver/Sunfire?

Why don't I hear more about this guy's stuff on the high end forums? He makes some pretty amazing equipment, to my untutored eyes; the sunfire power amp doubles down all the way to 1 ohm; it is compact and gives off very little heat..and now the "digital" amps are coming out (Rotel 1091 etc.)....I have never heard a sunfire, but why not drive my thiel 2.3's with a Carver + a tube pre? If I'm a duh, I have an excuse...I'm a lawyer.......mb

Showing 1 response by avlover

Yes, Bob does voice his own stuff, endlessly! Likes broadband approach, constantly improving designs. Which is why I think I would get his latest, or close to it. Of course, those Carver monoblocs would be nice, super powersupplies, which I prefer too, but getting them -- good luck!!
For what its worth, I came up with the super amp idea while Bob and I were living together in Lake City 1965-1966, near Seattle, got the giant parts from where I worked, amp was on three chassis, used 6550s, well over 750 watts when the biggest available at the time was 150 watts. Blew the Macs and Marantz away - Bob and I were the first on earth to actually hear the true sound of a bass drum, hear the slap of the leather, hear the initial attack, instead of the boom of other amps, even the Marantz Model 9s. Bob was then inspired to create company to build them commercially, named it Phase Linear at that time, then, when power transistors became affordable a bit later, built the transistor version the Phase Linear model 700A, which caused a revolution in the theory of how much power was necessary for realism. Think about the 3db rule and you will see that 150 watts runs up against the rule hard - not enough for true realism, not even close. Consider how much accoustic energy a symphony produces. Good luck!
Dave Ladely in Seattle; DaveLadely@aol.com