Whats the popular brand, most musical, digital cable now? What format?

Having been out of audio a few years,divorce does that.....  I am planning to stream digital "INTO" my 390s either Toslink, or Spdif and then XLR into my old 23.5 amp "DIRECT".   It has a analog output, I hope its not thin sounding.. 

Ill be using a macbook pro as my digital source, so the 3.5 mm digital port "OUTPUT" cable with the input either with TOSLINK or Spdif .

Tidal or Qobuz as my source in "lossless" format.

thanks in advance,



Showing 1 response by chuckdavis

Thanks for the input, while ive thought about going all digital for storage I have never followed through.

But having a dedicated desk top or rack mounted computer with a reclocked sound card "putting out a clean digital signal"  SEEMS the way to go.  my 390s will take 24 bit 192 khz. 

The rack mount computer can give you a large storage capacity etc. 

anything else ?  I found this today?  any thoughts on it? 
