Whats playing on your system today?

Today I decided to listen to two of my favorite rock guitar heros and one great vocalist. Guitarist' Robin Trower, Ronnie Montrose and vocalist Davey Pattison.

I listened to Trower songs:
Bridge of sighs, Stitch in time, The fool and me, my personal favorite- Too rolling stoned and others.....

Then I pulled out "Gamma". 
I listened to: Razor King, Wish I was and Skin and bone and others.....

Davey Pattison hooked has also up with Michael Shenker also. I really enjoyed my day so far. Anybody else heard anything good?




Showing 50 responses by uberwaltz

Been a busy day,mostly just flipping cds in the car.

City of Evil..... Avenged Sevenfold
All that remains.... Alter Bridge.
Isolate and medicate... Seether
Agreed that Satchs latest offering is quite a bit different from some previous releases.
Read an interview with him in guitar player about it, he had to do a few solos twice as he "over shredded" and that was not what they were looking for on this album.
Yes Glenn's bass work is killer, in fact an all round awesome rhythm section with Chad nailing it on the skins.
Highly recommended.
Seems my musical tastes do not reach far out of mainstream rock.....lol

Gretchen goes to Nebraska... Kings X
Tuff enuff... The Fabulous Thunderbirds
The power of rock and roll.....Frank Marino
Finish the night off with a classic.

The Tidal MQA version of Tommy... The Who.
Thanks guys, tbirds always good for a boogey!

Starting today with...
Acoustic live......Nils Lofgren.
Absolutely superb recording
Nothing wrong with Tom at all, in fact I have that CD too.
I remember actually seeing him play live at the MGM in Vegas....quite an act and he could really sing live.
Fellow Brit here, although expat now.
Yes heard talk talk, any particular album you recommend?
Crises....Mike Oldfield..

I remember seeing him live in England.
Can't remember how many players on stage but quite an ensemble to be sure.
And Mike?
Just rocking out on electric guitar and nothing else.
And looking as happy as a pig in muck while ripping off some mean licks, a VERY understated and brilliant guitarist imho.

I think goodbye jumbo was only released on vinyl in Europe.
I have a copy I purchased from a dealer in Germany, he has 2 copies on eBay right now.
I have actually never heard the CD version but the vinyl is nicely done.
Very precise and well mastered.
I am happy with it but ymmv of course.
About $22 shipped from Germany right now.

You are most welcome!
Just had to give it a spin since it was talked about...lol.
I think I would say it is worth $25 for sure, I think you will be impressed with the vinyl sq of this album.

Mind I still used to prefer The Waterboys tbh.
Tidal has been a godsend for me if go no other reason than when I see somebodies recommended music here or their current choice of play I can quickly go and have a listen without buying CD or vinyl.
For $20 a month it is worth it many times over just for that alone!

Fisherman's blues...... The Waterboys.

In fact this contains a track called World Party, wonder if that is where he got idea for name for his next band? 
Mr Postman just delivered a mint copy of Radio Kaos on vinyl so its on the deck.
The Tidal version was good, this is Very good!
A very well engineered recording, 1987.

Good to hear. Got to get my US setup and get busy too, at some stage. All my vinyl just hand cleaned so far, its the thought of going through them all again....

Anyway just mellow listening tonight
Brothers in arms, Dire Straits on sacd.

Talking of J.S, I caught him on his g3 tour Tuesday night at Raleigh.
What a wall of guitar with him, Collen and Petrucci!
Truth be told it was a little too intense for me....must be getting old!
One thing I find amusing is this thread has like 2700 posts or so but only 47,000 views.
Whereas the turntable thread has 10 million views but only 3300 posts.
Quite some disparity in post to view ratio!
Granted it has been around since 2004 but obviously a lot of viewers did not feel inclined to actually post.
For about 3 years I owned a pair of Usher cp-6381 in gorgeous ivory with wood side panels. Stunning waf for sure but always felt they just did not gel harmoniously in my poor acoustic room.

Still a great bang for the buck speaker company and very underrated.

Because I cannot change the room, can't even help it much as the waf does not allow.
Things will be different in the next life, I mean house!

Present speakers play very nicely in my shite room so all is good for now.
Always interesting to come here and see what peeps are playing.
I get an insight into stuff I have never heard of never mind heard!
If we are talking female singers lets hear it for Chrissie hynde and the Pretenders.
Last of the independents spinning right now
Time for some "pomp rock"!

Pieces of Eight....Styx.

Truly magical band whose heyday was firmly in the 70,s.
And yes saw them live at Stafford Bingley Hall, England back in 78 I think.

Old saying...
If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen....
Oldie but goodie

Dark side of the Moon,..... Pink Floyd

Not much more you can say.....
Off to our local vinyl emporium to see what gems we can unearth

The Stage...Avenged Sevenfold on the car stereo while we travel!
I think Behaviour my next fave Saga album.


My fave Pumpkins album, only have it on cassette.

Nice cuts as always!

Dosage....Collective Soul

From my extensive cassette collection

There is a new collective soul live l.p. on vinyl.
They did release quite a few singles in 45.
Then a very few rareties on 33 vinyl but like $500 plus!

You are absolutely correct, I could likely find most if not all of what I play from tape or vinyl on Tidal but.....

Sometimes when I use Tidal I have no idea what I want to listen to!
Now when I pull open the tape drawers or flick through the vinyl, I may see something and just think "oh yes". That's not likely to happen on Tidal as you really need to know what you want to listen to.

And I got all these tapes and the Nak so I am damn well going to use em....lol
Black Clouds and Silver Linings.... Dream Theater.

Gotta admire John Petrucci!
Followed by a true British classic rock and roll band
The original 3 chord wonderboys

The Last Night of the Electrics........ Status Quo!!
Tribute....Ozzy, featuring the late great Randy Rhodes.
Another tragic waste of a supremely talented musician.