What XLO digital cable do I have?

Can anyone tell me what cable I have based on this discription? It has a green and purple wrap with yellow wires running through it. Its a balanced cable.

I would like to know model and price.


Showing 1 response by zug

I also have a green and purple speaker cable that I bought at Audiogon. I guess it must be the XLO Type 5, but is it Reference?? Who knows. there's no identification of model on it anywhere, but it is stiff and I think later models were advertised as flexible, so ... between the various types (5, 5a) and the various models Reference, Reference 2, Signature, it is completely mystifying. I think someone is now listing for sale an XLO Signature 5a, does such a thing exist? And he's asking only $75, which is impossible to believe if it is really Signature line (unless it's hot I suppose....)