What Would you Trade your System FOR?

Since many of us basically have a possessive/obsessive relationship with our system, I am just curious to what you would trade you system for...(and I don't mean for another system either). I'd give mine up in a heartbeat if I am able to travel around the world until it's my last day on earth.

Showing 2 responses by sc53

I wouldn't trade even my second system for anything on earth. Music gives me more pleasure and lasting contentment and sense of purpose and meaning in life than anything. However, if I was assured that giving up both my systems would mean no tribe or individual would kill or maim other tribes or individuals for any purpose whatsoever, including religion or territory, then I would definitely do it. But tribalism and murder seem to be inherent in human nature, so to cope I must play music and keep my head together and feet on the ground.
I have never seen or heard of, much less driven, most of the cars you guys are obsessing about! Are they really that spectacular? I drove my friend's BMW 323i a few times and that is the absolute best, smooth shifting, smooth- and FAST-accelerating car I have ever driven. I used to drive a Jetta, now I drive a Mazda MPV automatic (to accommodate two black Labs and various speaker boxes and amps and stands, etc.), so I guess I am an incredible naif about these things. Still, to give up my stereo system for a CAR? Never. But for what Cornfed said, all my expenses, incurred as I wish, for as long as I live? YES.
Could someone very briefly state why the car thing is such a fetish? I could tell the huge difference between the BMW and anything else I've driven, but why go over the top into those formula 5 or whatever race cars?