What Would you Trade your System FOR?

Since many of us basically have a possessive/obsessive relationship with our system, I am just curious to what you would trade you system for...(and I don't mean for another system either). I'd give mine up in a heartbeat if I am able to travel around the world until it's my last day on earth.

Showing 4 responses by 3chihuahuas

I guess I am not surprised at so many reponses willing to trade their systems for a famous woman/women. Do you think all the listening we do with our system will help us be better listeners to these women?
Drrdiamond, would you mind eleborating on your reponse? I doubt you, but I am just curious to why you would not give up anything for your system? You would not even consider if you had an opportunity go outer space?
I would think a non-turbo engine such as a M3 or a M5 is much cheaper to maintain than the turbo S4 or S8. Then again, if you can afford to buy one, I would assume you can afford the keep one ( including maintenance).