What would you do differently?

Wives take a lot of heat in the audio press and on forums such as this one for their effects on their husbands' audio enjoyment. WAF is a recognizable acronym and effect, and there's always a lot of anguish over the "grief" of upgrades, etc. What would you do differently if you had nobody to answer to on any audio issues? Is it as simple as, "I'd spend a lot more and play the system a lot louder"?

Personally, I'd do a couple of things differently. First, I'd probably own more than one pair of speakers at any time and experiment a bit more. Sending and receiving speakers seems incomprehensible to my wife so it's a bigger hurdle than it's worth to do this currently, even if I break even on the costs. The second major thing I'd do is remove everything from the semi-dedicated room the system is in that I didn't want in there.

All in all, I suppose the back pressure is good as it keeps a bit of anticipation in the hobby. -Kirk


Showing 1 response by cornfedboy

NOTHING, nothing at all. and, BTW, i've been happily married for 37 years and at this hobby for 35+ years. like swampwalker implies don't need to be single and/or lonely to label yourself an "audiophile." indeed, you'd probably be better off (and certainly more financially healthy) were you to acquire a dog, or a pony and a boat.