Interesting idea, and to some degree probably correct. It's odd that this hasn't been talked about more, but have you ever noticed that currently discussions of music downloads center around MP3 and lossy compression schemes, while hardware (slowly) pushes towards a higher resolution format (DVD-A, SACD). There are opposing views, particularly from those that represent the musicians vs those that distribute music, on this topic. I personally feel that music distribution via the internet (or satelite--which is already true to some degree) will occur. It's a simple business model that someday can literally give you just about all music at virtually anytime. I can invision putting in a list of things you want to store on your hard disc and the next morning it's all there. In the background it can continue to bring in new titles and recommend new music. It gives a very good recurring revenue stream to whomever is distributing. What are the problems with this model? First capital investment, but that can easily be overcome by the super giants in entertainment (Sony, Phillips, Warner etc.) The real problem I foresee is the legalities involved in this type of distribution. Can you imagine the contracts for this? I know there are a number of attorneys here on A-gon and they can probably respond to this much better, but just consider the problems of copy protection on DVD-A and SACD and that really wasn't such a wild departure from CD. Bottom line is, I think your CD's will be useful for quite some time now. Hopefully they won't for my grandchildren.
What will become of my beloved CDs?
I have nearly 2000 CDs (DVDA, SACD, etc) and am very fond of them, or at least the music that is on them. However, it seems that music distribution is going to someday soon be totally on-line through downloads (True? When?). So, when most all of the music on my CDs is available in higher-quality on-line downloads (with artwork, I'm sure), what will become of my CDs? Will they be the shiny-silver equivalent to 8-Track tapes? Or, will they become a novelty and collectable? Should I seel them ASAP?? Any economists here???