What will become of my beloved CDs?

I have nearly 2000 CDs (DVDA, SACD, etc) and am very fond of them, or at least the music that is on them. However, it seems that music distribution is going to someday soon be totally on-line through downloads (True? When?). So, when most all of the music on my CDs is available in higher-quality on-line downloads (with artwork, I'm sure), what will become of my CDs? Will they be the shiny-silver equivalent to 8-Track tapes? Or, will they become a novelty and collectable? Should I seel them ASAP?? Any economists here???

Showing 1 response by bomarc

In the future, you won't own recordings at all. You'll subscribe to a service that allows you to download any music you want, at any resolution you want, any time you want.

As for your CDs, there will always be players around, but don't expect much of a market for vintage CDs the way there is (or was, since the market is changing) for vintage vinyl. There is nothing about an old CD that will make it more desirable than a download. (Excepting, of course, those inevitable rarities that aren't available for download.)

As for that hard drive, you can plug a 20-gig iPod into your car stereo already. However much disk space you need, you will have some day.