What was your most engaging audio experiance

I have been an audio crazy for 45 years and have had experiences where I thought I heard live music in a room when in fact it was an audio system. This experience which I call "a critical mass" experience suggests that the equipment, the room, the ambiance were all in perfect harmony to create this illusion for me.
I was in fact hearing an Mercury Living Presence solo piano LP played threw biamped Magneplanes 20.1 s powered by ARC Ref 300 monoblocks and at VT100 MKIII.
I will add that I was unaware of an audio system in the adjoining room. A fact which may have contributed to my experiance.

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In an audio salon in Chicago, approx 1995. It was a DIY speaker using McCormack electronics playing Stevie Ray Von. It was so clean, clear and convincing. I dont recall the name of the sudio salon or the owner-builder of the DIY speaker, but if I heard the name again, I would know it.