What was you most expensive accidental damage?

I have read many claims by members that they accidently damaged their multi-thousand dollar cartridge styli by improper handling. I have blown out a few low power handling speakers with high powered amps. Several members claim that their cats have clawed the speaker cones to shreds. Have you experianced any 1) blown amplifier output transistors by accidently shorting the speaker wires. 2) Extra loud turn on thumps blowing out speakers 3)Putting the wrong tube in tube socket destroying the tube 4) leaving tube equipment so longthat the capacitors melt. 5)Electrical fires from AC shorts?

Showing 1 response by r_f_sayles

35.00 hard earned dollars to a scalper for a $6.50 ticket to see Led Zepplin back in 1973 at Olympia Stadium in Detroit, Michigan. The Accidental damage was to the finest audiophile instruments that (money can’t buy) I have ever owned... my ears. Oh, it was probably worth it given my brother and I went with two beautiful young girls and we saw a band and a show that rock n’ roll legends are made of. The ringing in my ears has long since gone away. Happy listening!