What was you most expensive accidental damage?

I have read many claims by members that they accidently damaged their multi-thousand dollar cartridge styli by improper handling. I have blown out a few low power handling speakers with high powered amps. Several members claim that their cats have clawed the speaker cones to shreds. Have you experianced any 1) blown amplifier output transistors by accidently shorting the speaker wires. 2) Extra loud turn on thumps blowing out speakers 3)Putting the wrong tube in tube socket destroying the tube 4) leaving tube equipment so longthat the capacitors melt. 5)Electrical fires from AC shorts?

Showing 2 responses by chazzbo

Getting married.But then again like the joke gies "why is divorce so expensive?BECAUSE IT"SWORTH IT!!!!!!".Actually for me it was when I spilled (bottle fell off shelf and plaict cap broke ) of a pint of LAST Preservative (don't leave home without it-other than vaccum cleaner the best accesssory for Lp'there is).I was only the last third of a pint but I fely like those Revas Chegal ad's where they ask "Ever see a gown man cry?"
Did you bring it to copurt?Idfhe was passed out well you should have had a cvase.Man sh*t like that reminds that revenge is a dish best served cold and though I have ben taken here and there for a few hundred or a thousand in the ultimate scheme of things it didn'seem, worth putiting a dent into my karma card(come to think of it a fe of thjose incidenmts are still dorecent they still fill my nostrils).But $20K (adjusted for inflation) I can't think of how many cars he would have had tore-car paint jobs or teeth re-set.Your quite a guy though and hopefully paid off karma wise in the long run.