What was the craziest location that you made an audio purchase from?

I thought that this might be a fun topic.


I just purchased speaker cables on Audiogon while on a cruise ship in the Canary Islands How about you?


Showing 2 responses by 1111art

Bought 7K worth of nice equipment at a Neighborhood garage sale...for $180 cash.

Lady had just left her husband and was getting back at him. I paid her, left them there for a while, and checked out other houses. By the time I got back, there were 5 guys, drooling at the stuff, "Are you the guy who bought these?" "Do you know what you have?". Then the offers started to roll in. I'm not desperate for money, so I just smiled and shook my head. They even helped me carry the M&K dual 12" subwoofer and the B&W speakers to my car. What nice guys :)

Found a Western Electric 555 tweeter, 20 feet up, after climbing a wall of open shelving in a storage shed. I was 'pickin'. The guy had (noshit) 300 vintage (20's-30's) movie projectors, maybe 60 Short wave/CB High end military units, thousands of vacuum tubes (of which I knew nothing at the time), etc. 8,000 square feet of cool stuff. Nearly died, but only paid $10 for the 555.

Sold it to a major collector who flew from Korea to buy it for 4K