What volume level should a DAC be set to when feeding your Pre Amp

G'day All

I have an Accuphase DAC (DC-901) with a digital volume control that feeds my Pre Amp/Accuphase integrated Amp.  The DAC is fed via USB. It reports its volume level in db and altering the volume on the DAC impacts the volume level coming out of my Integrated.  I currently have the DAC set at 0.0db. This DAC level is purely a guess on my part not really understanding the technicalities of it all.  I'd like to understand better the implications of this DAC volume setting on my overall listening experience and whether or not the setting I have in place currently is correct.

Any advice appreciated.


Showing 3 responses by plb02

Thank you George.

I had "randomly" picked -15db on the DAC (its range is -80db -through 0db.  The only reason being this resulted in my Integrated sitting between 9 and 11 oclock on the volume control for regular listening levels.  I may have blindly determined the correct setting with any rhyme or reason. I have tried 0db on the DAC (full volume) and had no discerning change in sound quality (my ears are not that young). I also wasnt keen un running the volume way up to between 12 and 3 oclock for low level listening when the DAC was set to lower levels. I may be mistaken but figured this was working the Amp harder.

Many thanks to all who responded.  A special thank you to the ever helpful Georgehifi.  I'll have a listen to the DAC to Power (bypassing the E-470's pre) and see what this turns up.

