What used speakers raraely come up for sale

Lets keep it under $7,000 used, but interested to hear what used speakers rarely get listed for sale because they are so sought after and if they do appear they get snapped up very quickly?  Cheers

Showing 1 response by supertweak

Focal 7v7.These aren't really a whole speaker,but a vintage midrange driver that extends quite low.They are considered by some in the know as one of the best if not "the" best all time high efficiency cone midrange driver. DIY er's had a field day with these years ago.They are one of the biggest sounding,most open sounding midrange I have heard.Part of their great  image "size"comes from the fact that they are a 7 inch midrange.If crossed over low enough in its upper range ,instrument with lots of obvious air volume like organ will literally bowl you over with their apparent size, (grand piano also).They have a very powerful magnet and transient response does not seem to  suffer over their size.They are I believe 97 db efficient and they make many paper cone midrangess sound distorted and like they are about to break up.Very rarely seen on here.A classic from the past that still holds up.