What type PC for new DAC

I just received a Musiland MD10 USB DAC. The IEC cable that came with the DAC is 18 gauge. Its connected to my PS Audio Duet. I want to upgrade the stock PC.

I know that some cable makers have PCs of 14 or 12 gauge that are advertised as being intended for preamps, low power amps and digital sources. I've seen a couple that are supposed to be designed specifically for digital components.

Should I go for a PC that is "designed" for digital or will any 14 or 12 gauge PC do? (I can't see using a 10 gauge for this application)

Does the connector make a difference for digital/DACs? Is Marinco okay or would Wattgate or Furutech make a difference?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by psacanli

For a degree of isolation & conditioning may I suggest at least an MIT Shotgun AC2. If you try it I think you'll be quite impressed.