What turntable to start out with ? Pioneer PLX-1000 or VPI Nomad

I was wondering if someone could help me out on getting a new turntable.  I read reviews on the Pioneer PLX-1000 but also think the VPI Nomad 2016 may be good.

The Pioneer may have a better resale value, but I would have to buy a separate cartridge.  The VPI Nomad seems cool because I could move it around in my apartment if I wanted to listen to music in a smaller NYC apartment which has a lot of activity going on.

Any ideas ?  $1000 is my limit.


Showing 2 responses by downunder

The PLX-1000 is an excellent sounding turntable , is bulletproof and since its roots are DJ - very easy to move to another apartment/room.

  It also pretty well isolated, so no fall issues.

 Add a nice MM cartridge and you have a wonderful table.
To be very clear if your PLX-1000 has loose tonearm bearing.

It takes all of 30 seconds to tighten and fix.

Not an issue.