What Turntable to buy under $600 ?

I am just beginning the search for a quality used TT priced under $600. I have been looking at Sota-saphires, VPI, Dual. My experience in this area is poor; I have B&K ST-202 amp w/Pro 10MC pre-amp and Alon II speakers. I listen to jazz, blues, and some rock. I am looking for a TT that can provide quality sound that doesn't require finicky set-ups.

Showing 2 responses by harhau

I'd just like to add a dissenting opinion into the mix: You could consider a KAB modified Technics SL-1200mk2 (or mk3,4,5) with a tonearm damper and external power supply (see www.kabusa.com). You can get a gently used SL-1200mk2 and do the modifications yourself. I am using mine with a high output MC Denon DL-160 cart - reports on the net suggest that a Denon DL-103 is an even better match (but low output and hence not for me). I have owned a Rega Planar 3, but I prefer the Technics. A very nice non-finicky feature is an on-the-fly tonearm height (VTA) adjustment.

Good luck with your search!

- Harald
Stefanl wrote:
>>If a table is suitable for broadcast and DJ duties would it not be already some way towards the goal of good sound reproduction?<<

Stanhifi replied:
>> Faulty logic. These tables were originally designed for bull work, heavy duty use, and durability not superior sonics. Hope that helps you understand. >>

The SL-1200mk2 was not initially built for DJing or 'bull work'. The fact that it has become _the_ standard DJ turntable is a testament to the quality and ruggedness of construction. The sonics of a DJ table is largely derived from the special DJ cartrigdes used - those are the ones you want to avoid!

- Harald