What tube preamp with Bryston 7bst? Please?

This would be my first shot at a tube preamp. Like the Brystons and want to keep them, currently preamping with a BP20.
Any suggestions from personal experience would be very appreciated. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by rbirke

I run a Rogue 99 Magnum with phono. Tubes are NOS GE's in the line stage and Mullards in the phono.

Sound is terrific. Phono not the quietest but not bad and very musical.

I use the headphone jack and appreciate it a lot.

The remote is motorized and a little quirky. Only volume, bit it's a huge hunk of metal and feels good in the hand.

And you can pick up a used Magnum for 2K with all these goodies and more.

It has only RCA outs but the output is sufficient to drive 5 meter runs of IC in my system.

As between my preamp and 7B-ST's, I'm not sure which I would upgrade first to improve the sound the most. It might be the amps.

FWIW, I probably won't upgrade until I jump into the 7-10K range -- a BAT 31 wouldn't be enough of a jump up, but a 51 (plus the outboard phono) or the new Aesthetix line might be enough. But that's a long way off. I'm also curious about the ss Ayre K1x, but I'm not going to move for a while, and the purchase of any of these super preamps would make me want new amps, so all the more reason to stay put.

That's how well I think the 99M matches the 7BST.
