What traditional dynamic speakers deliver a sonic signature similar to a horn speaker?

I’ve seen Tekton mentioned, but how about others? Anything high efficiency to boot?  Closely similar is acceptable.


Showing 1 response by larryi

Horn-based systems are the best at delivering the goods at low volume levels (which explains why they are popular with apartment dwelling Japanese audiophiles even though they take up a lot of valuable space).  But, really good horn systems are very expensive.  Some, which I find to be a bit more troubled by ‘megaphone” coloration, like Klipsch Cornwalls, are not that pricey and are worth checking out.

I also like some systems using wide-range cone drivers in quarterwave back-loaded horn cabinets, such as Charney Audio speakers and certain Voxativ speakers (like the Ampeggio) and Rethm speaker (back loaded horns with self-powered subwoofers) are also quite dynamic at lower volume levels.
More conventional speakers that are good at modest levels include Audio Note speakers and some ProAc models.