What tonearm will better mine?

I have been running a 12" Jelco SA750L with an upgraded Decca Super Gold on a Garrard 401 for a few years. I'm happy with the sound and happy with my pre, power and speakers. (Croft 25R, EICO HF35s, -good tubes, Quad 57).
I keep hearing that my tonearm is a weak link even though it sounds pretty awesome to me. What would it take to replace the Jelco and make a significant improvement? What should I expect to hear better? Would I have to drill the massive plinth? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by rauliruegas

Dear @noromance: As you said and confirm the Jelco you own is very good tonearm and IMHO the 997 is no better, maybe different but not better.

What you can do is try your cartridge or cartridges with different headshells: different build material, different overall shape, different weigth, etc. Trying the one that could matchs in better way the cartridge needs and you will know which one because with it the cartridge quality performance been improved.

Other important subject are the headshell wires where you can make an up-grade with better headshell wires and obviously a better tonearm/phono IC cable.

Other subject not less important is that your cartridge/tonearm set up been as accurate as you can. The MINT LP protractor ( inexpensive. ) makes a " difference " for the better if you don't own it. This protractor is made it in specific for the: TT/tonearm/cartridge of each one customer. Unbeatable at any price.

That's what I will do in your place before to think in a tonearm change.

Regards and enjoy the music,