What to upgrade first?

Currently running an inexpensive 2x50 receiver and inexpensive speakers. Primary audio sources FM and CD's.
CD player is close to brand new California Audio Labs DX-2.
Apt. environment, good sized living room with high, sloped ceiling. Listen to jazz, blues, female vocals, classical
only occassionaly. Should I upgrade the reciever or speakers
first, and any recommendations? Price range around $500 for
first upgrade, can't do both at one time. THANKS!

Showing 1 response by kthomas

No doubt, listening for yourself to as much as possible is great advice. Since you asked, though, I'd do this - I'd find a Linn Majik integrated amp. $500 should fit perfectly. It's a great little integrated amp by a top manufacturer, they're relatively easy to find, and it has a very musical sound to it. There are two versions - one with a phono input, one without. I'm quoting the one without. There are other choices in this price range that would be fine choices (many have been suggested), but IMO it fits your price range perfectly and is a top performer. Then, being broke again with no money burning a hole in your pocket, during the time you're saving for speakers, I would go listen to as many things as possible, savor the investigation, read about speakers, etc., such that when you do have the money, you know what to buy. And, I would allow for some flexibility in the price range you're saving for - ie, if you convince yourself that you'll need to spend $800 or $1000 to get what you really want, you'll already be in the mode that it's a ways off and less tempted to buy something just because it meets your price criteria.