What to put under my VAC AMP/ PREAMP??

What do you guys rec. to put under the amp/preamp- anyone have anything that works well( symposium shelves- some type of roller balls ) any thoughts would be appreciated- gary

Showing 2 responses by barrelchief

A late follow-up here, and not on the original topic...

Arthur, when I recieved my 300.1, the switches were in the Ultralinear position. It sounded great and I never tinkered with it...until last night that is.

I switched to triode before powering up and after listening for a while, trying a few different cd's, I found that I was not "getting into it" as I do in ultralinear. There definitely was a fatigue factor going on.

In triode, to my ears, the music sounded much "thinner" and lost some of its "sparkle."

I certainly would not say that triode sounded bad. But, it just did not sound as good as ultralinear, as my ears are very accustommed to.

I switched them back to ultra, and suspect that it may be a while before I feel the need to try triode again.
Actually, my speakers are very efficient. I have the Daedalus DA-1, which are 96db.

From my VAC Ren Mk-II pre, I am running single-ended cables, as recommended by Kevin.

I think so much of this comes down to system synergy and personal preference.

Fjn04, since you prefer ultralinear with your 300.1, it would be interesting to see if you prefer triode on your buddy's system, as he does.