What to put under Avalon speakers?

I have a pair of Avalon Opus Ceramique on the black diamond racing cones that comes with the speakers. Each cone sits on a 25c to protect my hard floor floor.

Should I get the Black diamond pucks/pits and does stillpoints work better?

Any suggestions are appreciated. Jokes welomed.
I think Symposium makes platforms especially designed for speakers. If they don't lift the speaker too high off the floor, they might be worth a look. Good luck!
I use GPA APEX for some time now under my Avalon Arcus.
Most obvious was and is a better defined low end (never thought that they sounded "wooly" in that department.
I saw in a recent article in Hi-Fi news (Nov '05) a reader's system with Avalon Eidolons sitting beautifully on Finite Elemente Cerabase interfaces which gave me the same idea to use under my ProAc D38's.
Personally I couldn't have asked for a better solution.
There is also a Cerapuc model that supports up to 300kgs (4) and costs quite a bit less too.
My Friend owns the Eclispe and tried the Sistrum 101 and it blew him away!!The difference is so large that you basically get a new speaker,audiopionts are good but only hint at what is possible.My other friend uses them under Martin Logan sl3 and that experience totally changed what the speaker was capable of,especially in the bass region.If you can afford them then they are totally a bargain compared to the cost of everything else in your system.Take care Dennis