What to look for in a multimeter?

One quick question to follow my earlier question-- is there any kind of special multimeter that I should use? Radio Shack has multimeters from $19 to >$200. As long as it has two leads and a digital readout, should I be okay with one that is on the more affordable side? What other features besides voltage measurements should I need. Thanks again! d

Showing 1 response by trelja

The more you pay, the more accuracy you get. Like many instruments, accuracy is the number one determinant of price. The accuracy can generally be determined by the number of digits of the meter. You can also put stock in the brand name on the meter. Obviously HP or Fluke is better than Brand X. I developed a silver palladium, low ohm resistor series(0.1/1.0/10.0 Ohm)that had a TCR of +/- 25 ppm. We needed to go out and buy a newly developed(by ANY meter manufacturer), 8 1/2 digit ohmeter to accurately plot the TCR. It was the best ohmeter you could buy. And it was $5300. Different applications require different levels of quality. For home audio, you should not spend that much on a multimeter. You don't require a really accurate meter. First, make sure it has the features you require. Then, go for brand. Then go for the best that brand offers for your price. A $50 to $80 unit is fine.