What to do with pre-owned vinyl?

Background: From ~1978 to 1991 I collected  many100s of vinyl records. At least 50% were classical; the rest jazz, R&B, World music, reggae, gospel--maybe 1200 records total. A few of the classical LPs are likely collectable/valuable, but most fall below that threshold. I’ve had these LPs stored in boxes since 1991. It’s becoming obvious I'll never again have a TT set up to hear these records. BTW, I live in Goshen, NY.

Can anyone suggest a way for me to responsibly dispose of these LPs?

FYI, I’d be happy to give to a store or reseller for estimated value, or donate them for a charity write-off. Money isn't my biggest concern & I have no appetite for trying to sell them on my own.

I also have a ton of old/good audio gear in the same problematic state (stored by never to be used again)...but that’s another story for another day.

Thanks in advance for any useful advice...

Showing 1 response by ghasley

I have an idea, its crazy but hey, why not?

Email the Audiophiliac, Steve Guttenberg, try a google search. 

Anyway, have Guttenberg hold a contest. Young people could submit an essay on why they love music, wearing masks, whatever it is. He could then select finalists and they could be interviewed on Guttenberg's youtube show about why they think vinyl is cool, etc. Then the winner wins all the albums AFTER performing 100 hours of service to the community. The tri-state area needs young people doing good rather than the alternative right?

Getting young people into music is really the finest gift we can give. Much better than another tax writeoff.

Your second option is to ship them all to me postage paid! Be well and Peace.