What to do with 1 small Bybee

I'm getting rid of my DAC for a one box universal player. I have a small Bybee on the digital input of the DAC and would like to reuse it. What's my best option (keep it clean guys)?

(A) Use it in the power supply section of the one box? I already have the Auricap tweak inside. Is this too small for direct AC current? Where exactly do I hook it up in this case (+ to - of the transformer or somewhere else)? Is it overkill here?

(B) Use it somewhere on the digital circuitry inside the one box unit? I would really need to know where the best spot would be.

(C) Get a second small Bybee and put them on the speaker tweeters? But that means more $ outlay and I would rather avoid it if there is another better alternative.

(D) Other options?

"Use it in the power supply section of the one box? I already have the Auricap tweak inside. Is this too small for direct AC current? Where exactly do I hook it up in this case (+ to - of the transformer or somewhere else)? Is it overkill here?"

Use it on the 5 or 3.3 volt DC rail of the one box power supply, which is probably a SMPS, and can use all the help you can give it.
I think (C).
Just I recommend you to put them at the input (+) of the amp, I did it, and it was better, than at the tweeter.