What to do when seller does not send item paid for

Hi I recently (about two weeks ago) purchased a pair of cables from a seller here on AG. The seller said he would be sending the cables out right away. I paid him with a money order. Here it is two weeks later and I have not heard a word as to whether he even received my money (I'm sure he did). I e-mailed him many times and left voice mail messages on his cell phone telling him I was concerned and he hasn't responded back. His email address is hotmail. I hate to think I have been scammed. They really should have been here by now if he sent them. He is only a few states away. I know sometimes things take longer than expected in the mail but the fact that he hasn't contacted me even once really concerns me. What should I do??

Showing 2 responses by sean

I went through something similar on two different occasions just recently. I had someone ( supposedly ) send a piece to me here in Chicago from Ohio. When they did reply to my emails, they kept insisting it had been sent out, but would not forward any tracking info. As it turns out, they had sent it out via USPS. It took 10 days to travel two States over. Needless to say, it was not their fault nor do i think that this is "normal" transit time.

The other situation was quite similar. This time it went from Texas to me here in Chicago. Same situation with this one too i.e. the seller was not real responsive to emails, did not forward tracking info. Once again, it was the USPS delivering the component. This one took 14 days.

Needless to say, my idea of "timely delivery" no longer includes the USPS. I know that the shippers were not pulling my leg on either account, as the post mark on the packages verified the actual date of shipment. The fact that both pieces were damaged, probably due to a massive amount of handling and less than optimum packing, did not make me any happier.

Let's hope that you are in a similar situation. In a case like this, it IS better to be late than never. Sean


Have you ever wondered if:

A) the items that you posted attracted a certain type of person or crowd ?

B) how you worded your ads left you open for quite a bit of nit-picking and / or tire-kicking ?

C) the manner in how you conducted business or responded to inquiries made people think twice about whether they wanted to do business with you ?

I bring this up as i have conducted business on both Ebay and on Audiogon many times over. I have done so on both a personal and professional level. In every way, the participants of Audiogon have been head and shoulders above the average "nitwit" that uses Ebay. This is not to say that all Ebayer's are low-lifes or that all Audiogoner's are "brain surgeons", but that if one wants to deal in specialty items, you are probably better off doing such in a specialized forum with those that can appreciate what you have to offer. Sean