What to do when seller does not send item paid for

Hi I recently (about two weeks ago) purchased a pair of cables from a seller here on AG. The seller said he would be sending the cables out right away. I paid him with a money order. Here it is two weeks later and I have not heard a word as to whether he even received my money (I'm sure he did). I e-mailed him many times and left voice mail messages on his cell phone telling him I was concerned and he hasn't responded back. His email address is hotmail. I hate to think I have been scammed. They really should have been here by now if he sent them. He is only a few states away. I know sometimes things take longer than expected in the mail but the fact that he hasn't contacted me even once really concerns me. What should I do??

Showing 1 response by gunbei

The first time I made a purchase from a private party on Audiogon, the kind fellow told me to wait until he supplied me with a tracking number before I send the check. It was a great first expeience, I hope everyone else he's dealt with since appreciates his trust and honesty and doesn't take advantage of it.