What to do in my situation...

I'm using some older equipment and have Alon II MK2 speakers and an Acurus DIA-150 Integrated amp driving them. I generally like the sound quality, but would like a little more bottom end. I've read good reviews about the bass qualities on the Alons, so I'm wondering if I just need more power to drive them or if a separate subwoofer would be a better solution?

The problem with the DIA-150 is that there are no line outs to drive another amp or a subwoofer, so if I went the subwoofer route, I'd have to use the high-level outs. Is this a bad solution sound-wise? Anyone had success pairing a sub with the Alons using high-level outs?

The Alons are bi-ampable, but again since there are no line outs, I don't think there's another way to add an amp to this setup that wouldn't involve a large cash outlay?
He said he has "NO" line outs, therefore what's he connecting a Y adaptor to? Ahendler obviously misread your post.
Alon speakers have excellent bass ... what type of music are you listening to or are you looking for "home theater bass"?? It is also possible your room is too big for the speakers.
Jrinkerptdnet - We listen to a variety of things...lots of rock from '50s to new stuff, with some country, and a little jazz, classical and standards thrown in. We use the setup also for video, but don't watch a ton of movies, so I'm not concerned with rattling the windows.

The room is the upper floor of an old daylight ranch, so it's about 12 x 25, with an offshoot dining room in an "L" shape. The stereo system is placed on the short wall, with the speakers facing into the living room but facing away from the dining area. They are about 6 feet apart and about 15 inches from the back wall. Due to the way the house is with the short wall there, I don't have a lot of placement options, as there's only about 9 feet on that wall until the fireplace. I'm using all of the stock Alon stuff, including the Black Orpheus wire and the spikes sitting on metal cups so they don't scratch the hardwood.
Don't buy anything until you do some work looking into your room. You say you want some more bottom end and your comment that you may be running out of power to me often says that the bass is out of control and loose/muddy/undefined (pick your term). With some acoustic issues addressed for your room, you are likely to find that the problem is neither the amp or the speaker as much as the room.

I changed listening rooms recently and had my system in an untreated room for a few months before I got around to addressing that issue. I did this yesterday - and let me tell you the difference is much bigger than changing any component would have delivered!
placement of the Alons may be part of the problem but you are apparently limited in placement options. try moving the speakers even a little bit and see if your impression changes.