What the heck is up with the audiogon listing photos?

Can anyone explain the mostly obscured thumbnails in the gear listings? I'm talking about the tiny circle thumbnails in front of blurred backgrounds. Is this site flaw supposed to be a feature, or is this the new "base" listing, where one has to pay additional for an unblurred image?

User experience. You're doing it wrong.


Showing 1 response by browndt

I told them long ago when they introduced this nonsense that they
obviously do not understand their customer base. As ERIK said, young programmers who do not understand how the site is used. I actually think that the complaints about reduced sales on this site are partially due to
the total confusion users experience while trying to find products.
Also notice that the number of posts complaining about the new site have not diminished. But if they don't fix it the users and dealers will go elsewhere. That too is marketing 101.