What the heck is Resolution Audio

two people keep bringing up Resolution Audio cd players in posts. Does anyone else have any experience with them or even ever heard of them, or do we just have two company employees corupting Audiogon...
CD55 owners, although only breif description of unit is posted on web site, why does new unit have no SACD capability, and what does this say about the future of this format? Many new high end CD units coming out feature SACD playback, sounds like RA is either pronouncing SACD D.O.A or is waiting for DVD-A to be finalized and then release universal player......anyone have the company position on this, regards Sam
Sam, why don't you call the company and ask them YOURSELF. Then report back to us; frankly, I don't care about sacd. I had an scd-1 in-house for over a month, because my father purchased one and was in Switzerland for a while. I WANTED TO LOVE THE PLAYER. I love the idea of sacd; unfortunately I was disappointed. I own over 3000 cd's, so for me, the upsampling in the cd55 is more important and I believe will ultimately be the 'format' of the future.
Soupcon your take on the SCD-1 is about the same as mine. I sold mine after about a month. Had some friends over to hear it before I sent it packing and they liked it. It's all a matter of how the player presents itself and one's taste. My preference is for the CAL Audio CL20 but since so much has been said about Resolution Audio I will check them out. Afterall, it is in the format that I have some major $$ wrapped up in software