What the heck is Resolution Audio

two people keep bringing up Resolution Audio cd players in posts. Does anyone else have any experience with them or even ever heard of them, or do we just have two company employees corupting Audiogon...

Showing 5 responses by soupcon

I'm not employed by Resolution and I'm not corrupting anyone (my children are still young, though), and the CD55 is the absolute BEST digital playback I have ever heard. I've owned or have friends that own many of the top brands, including dcs, sony sacd, and the top line Levinson separates. I strongly encourage you to listen to the cd55 if you're in the market for new digital equipment.
Sam, why don't you call the company and ask them YOURSELF. Then report back to us; frankly, I don't care about sacd. I had an scd-1 in-house for over a month, because my father purchased one and was in Switzerland for a while. I WANTED TO LOVE THE PLAYER. I love the idea of sacd; unfortunately I was disappointed. I own over 3000 cd's, so for me, the upsampling in the cd55 is more important and I believe will ultimately be the 'format' of the future.
Sam, sure I'll loan you $3k, at 25%; the unit is beautiful, but at night, in the dark, I just close my eyes and enjoy the absolutely gorgeous sound. It sounds better today than it did yesterday. Unbelievable. That's the only way I can describe it. And beautiful. To listen to that is.
My experiences totally bear out what deborah1 has stated: the BEST digital playback I've heard is the 47 labs combo. It's the simplest, it has no filters, oversampling, or anything. It's a 'simple' 16/44 redbook player, yet it sounds like . . . music. It's very musical. The cd55, on the other hand, does employ 'up' sampling, and also sounds very good. Technically, it's very different (that collage education coming into play here) from the 47labs digital stuff. All one has to do is open a road & track magazine, and look at one of their tests comparing cars; there are many different ways to get from point a to point b (and rather quickly).