What the heck is Resolution Audio

two people keep bringing up Resolution Audio cd players in posts. Does anyone else have any experience with them or even ever heard of them, or do we just have two company employees corupting Audiogon...

Showing 6 responses by greysquirrel

A quick preview of Carl's previous posts leaves only "intenet" for "intent". I think this is called a TYPO!! I also think we are ALL allowed a few of these!!
Does either the CD50 or CD55 have balanced (XLR) outputs? I need to run long interconnect, if I go directly to the amps. Will they drive 7m interconnect?
Carl, Jeff Kalt didn't say upsampling is hogwash, just that it is not a "new technology" and is identical to oversampling. The jist of his e-mail (as I interpreted it) is that oversampling (or upsampling) allows the use of more sophisticated (and usually proprietary) filtering algorithms, preserving the frequency/phase relationship that lesser filters muck up. He did admit that mfg's are using the term "upsampling" as a marketing ploy to draw interest. For Jeff Kalt's honesty (as well as his technical genius), I greatly respect him. As audiophiles we are still left with the same chore: find the components that do it for us. I, for one, am going to give Resolution Audio a crack at my money!
That was polite, Carl. The reason my response above was so spirited is, quite frankly, that you were getting in the way of gaining a deeper understanding of digital processes for myself and others. You did this by writing things like: “The idea that upsampling and oversampling are the same thing is FALSE, and I don't care what you, or anyone else here, believes or disbelieves about the subject.” I did my homework, Carl. I asked careful questions and sought out experts (Resolution Audio and MSB – two mfg’s who market “upsampling processors/players) who could shed some light. Others here were asking similar questions of other experts (Madrigal and Theta) and we were all bringing the info back here so that all of us could learn from each other. That is the point of this site I believe! It’s a shame you decided to dig your heels in and close your mind. When I first entered the Upsampling thread I thought we had a pretty good group here (you included) to get “the skinny” on what upsampling was or was not and perhaps, to explore what mfg’s are doing now to squeeze additional performance out of CD format. That better processors and players are being made, I’m certain. And no, my goal in the above post was not to convince everyone here that you are dumb. (Ok, I could say something funny here, but I won’t) Deborah, you're a class act. We need more women like you in 'philedom. Live the good life! Jordan
Hi Eatrice. I e-mailed Jeff Kalt concerning a technical issue and where in Indiana I could find Resolution products. They just sent one to Synergistic Sound in Indianapolis (317-726-0243 -- Jim Jordan is the contact at Synergistic Sound) He also listed 4 other dealers across the country (none in the midwest). If you want those #'s as well, e-mail me. Good luck. Jordan