What the *#$@ happened??

I'll keep this short, just hoping someone can let me know what's going on. I changed out the platform my TT was on to a much denser wood, and I'm not really happy with the results. The good, I can hear more detail in the music, subtle nuances are more prevalent, better instrument separation, especially in complex arrangements. The bad, the whole stage moved back and got flatter, it lost depth. And the 3 dimensional characteristics of the singers voice also lost luster, became flatter as it were. It almost seems like I'm listening to a stereo now instead of a live performance. I thought the heavier wood would improve the sound, not degrade it. 
Anyone know why this happened?

Showing 2 responses by ct0517

..... I also use two Mapleshade platforms under my floor standing speaker and they did wonders for the sound. Go figure.

Oregonpapa -  curious if your floor is suspended ?

came across your thread and it intrigued me. Apologies I went and did it again by posting long... I get into this info dump & can’t seem to stop.
my Audiogon New Year’s resolution was to try to post more like ebm.
I can’ t seem to do it.

So here is some personal experience, hope it helps and be wary of those on forums who have a bias toward creating Audiophile Bedlam.

From my personal experience, its very important when looking at TT’s, to observe how they have been built (what the designer was thinking) to deal with resonances and how much decoupling is going on within the TT’s own manufacturer’s design. Each TT needs to be looked at on its own. The higher you go up in a company’s line, the better resonance control. You would think anyway. This makes sense as more dollars should buy better resonance control. But whether the designer chooses a coupled or decoupled design is matter of choice - to the designer. Good decoupled designs should be able to be placed on a platform, and the TT should not be as affected by changing out the platform the TT sits on as long as it is sturdy, does not move, does not like to dance, etc...

Now IME, wood plinth layering combinations, do also provide good resonance dampening (my Jean Nantais 100 lb Lenco is an example of this). When people ask me how it compares to the others I say - It sounds better than it has a right to - imo based on its design.

Shawnlh - if we take a look at your TT - The Clearaudio Concept.

Now you said

Wood is 3" maple, TT is a ClearAudio Concept. Previous wood was just laminated pb, hence my surprise with the depletion of stage depth.

Your TT’s interface with the 3" maple is this (taken from CA’s website)

Product Description

Beneath the refined, contemporary exterior lies a level of technical sophistication unique to Clearaudio. The Concept’s chassis comprises a core of natural medium-density wood fibre within an aluminium surround and upper layer incorporating a high tech synthetic compound. This composite of materials eliminates the detrimental effects caused by unwanted vibrations.

and under technical specs.

Resonance-optimised chassis

So it is a coupled design. There is no decoupling going on from what I can tell looking quickly. It is not surprising to me that changing out platforms changes the way the music is presented.

Now IMO Clearaudio based on your Original Post findings; should change the website wording "eliminates" to ......why don’t we pick a better word to describe what is happening. Maybe its just the German translation.

What do you think? Obviously a different platform that "changes" the presentation does not "eliminate"

ok Lets have more fun. Another higher up the line CA TT model .

Called Clearaudio Performance.

From the website

Resonance-optimised turntable, highly compressed wood chassis in sandwich construction embedded between two aluminium plates.

It’s website specs show a bigger, taller heavier platter, and the plinth is heavier, higher and deeper. Now interestingly this upper level table still appears to be coupled to the platform one uses below it. There is still no decoupling going on. IMO someone with this higher up the chain TT will still have significant changes to the music being played, using different platforms.

I kind of want to see whats at the end of the rainbow here... don’t you ?

Now the Statement top of the line TT model from Clearaudio.

From the website - the plinth.

Aluminium, stainless steel and bullet proof wood

Wow - Bullet proof wood. That sounds pretty cool doesn’t it ?

There’s more.

Patent pending non-contact magnetic drive system eliminates noise and wear.

Revolutionary Clearaudio magneticbearing design, eliminates friction with "floating platter".

A Magnetic Bearing !

Hey Geoffkait. Helloooooo! You know I kind of like this right ?

It also appears that the TT has some decoupling with four oil filled dampers

4 oil dampers for the turntable main chassis self-levelling system

What do you guys think ? Geoffkait - interested to know what would be your first mod to the Statement TT ?



So..... if your TT is not decoupled , IMO owners will be doing the TT shoe*** dance, but not with shoes. This time we will call it the platform dance.

***I like to call TT feet - shoes.

shawnlh - I hope this was fun and maybe helpful. It was for me.

apologize in advance for any typing grammar errors and the long post.

Happy listening