What system components would you buy if...........

This should make for a good thread, I think. The question is if you had to start all over again with every part of the system, AND you couldn't buy anything that is now part of your system, what would you buy?

I pose this question, because alot of the threads consist of posts from members promoting their own system's components, which is natural.

The twist here is to put together your choices that you don't own. Maybe a package that is not necessarily your "dream" system, but a similarly priced alternative that might suit your needs as well as your current one.

All comments and descriptions as to what and why, may be included too.

Have a little fun!

Showing 1 response by del

If held to a similar budget:
Merlin VSM speakers; Atma-sphere M60 MkII amps; Bent Audio transformer pre-amp; Hagerman Trumpet phono amp; Teres 255 TT w/ Expressimo arm & Shelter 501(?) cartridge; Sony 777ES SACD; Cables - not sure what would work best but would start with trying Cardas or Van Den Hul or Acoustic Zen.

If I won the lottery budget:
Rockport Hyperion or Kharma Exquisite speakers; Tenor 75w Amps; Boulder 2010 pre and 2008 phono amps; Rockport Sirius III TT; Clearaudio Insider or Koetsu Onyx Platinum cartridge (or both, to play depending on my mood); Audio Aero Capitole II CDP; Modified Sony xa777ES SACD; Nordost Valhalla cables or Purist Dominus or Transparent Opus or Siltech G5, depending on which sounded best; a dedicated listening room.