What subwoofer to choose for 2 ch and HT combined

I'm interested in finding a subwoofer that blends very nicely for 2 channel music yet delivers convincing base for home theater. I've heard very good things about the James, REL, Velodyne, and a few others but haven't really listened to many in a high end system. I will use for both 2 channel and HT systems but 2 channel is my dominant interest.

The sound of my system tends towards the warmer side with all Meadowlark speakers, VTL Amps, Ayre CD, and EAD Pre-Pro running analog through for 2 channel. My budget is under $3000. Thanks in advance for your advice.

Showing 1 response by rockadanny

I auditioned REL, Martin-Logan, Polk, B&W, etc. and decided on one I never heard before: ACI Titan. After reading so many positive reviews I took a chance and ordered one. (They are returnable if not satisfied.) I think it is the best sounding (most musical) sub of them all. Build and sound are top-notch quality. And Mike Dzurko (owner of ACI) is a top-notch audio guy. Check them out at:
You will NOT be disappointed.
Here is a picture of mine (rose walnut wood):