What subwoofer to choose for 2 ch and HT combined

I'm interested in finding a subwoofer that blends very nicely for 2 channel music yet delivers convincing base for home theater. I've heard very good things about the James, REL, Velodyne, and a few others but haven't really listened to many in a high end system. I will use for both 2 channel and HT systems but 2 channel is my dominant interest.

The sound of my system tends towards the warmer side with all Meadowlark speakers, VTL Amps, Ayre CD, and EAD Pre-Pro running analog through for 2 channel. My budget is under $3000. Thanks in advance for your advice.

Showing 1 response by geauxaudio

Thanks very much for the responses. Will definitely check out the UFW and aerial. Have already heard good things about the Vandersteen although I understand they have a "music" model and a "HT" model. Anyone with experience in both, i'd appreciate your opinion on those.

TweekGeek, I agree with your comment about cables. I run DH Labs and JPS everywhere else but have a cheap cable for my current sub (a $500 Jamo sub that's about 8 yrs old). I need to run about 15 feet. Any suggestions without spending huge money?

FLrnlamb asked for more details on my room. Room dimensions are 15.5 x 17 with the longer distance being my viewing and listening direction (ie speakers face down the 17 foot stretch). Carpetted floor, ceiling start at 8ft and climb to about 9.5 however its not a true cathedral in that it raises then flattens out at 9.5ft. Room is on a second floor but the floor is build with a silent sub-floor. I have the flexibility to place a sub(s) in front, right side or rear. Currently have my old sub in front.