What sub 500 CD recorder do you recmd?

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Showing 1 response by davebones

I was ready to go the computer route due to the several limitations of "consumer grade" cd burners; e.g., inability to use a copy as a source for copying, requirement to purchase more expensive audio cds instead of regular computer cds. I decided on a stand alone burner because I want to record fm broadcasts on cd, and my audio system is not in the same room as the computer. I found a "professional" grade burner, the Marantz CDR500, which uses any cd disc, and which doesn't prohibit using the copy as a source. It was $569 at Electronic City (online purchase)which makes it competitive with "consumer" burners.
You may wish to check this out or look at Marantz' CDR631, a similar unit for less money. Good luck. Dave