What stereo equipment do respected musicians listen to?

With all the debate on this piece of equipment is better than that, it got me to thinking… What setup do well respected musicians have, e.g. amps, speakers, etc.  What does Wynton Marsalis listen to, for example?  Just curious and thought it might be a fun topic. 


Showing 1 response by johnnycamp5

Perhaps I missed it but no one has mentioned the obvious…

Aside from the few musicians who don’t care, most I’ve known ( I’m a lousy drummer lol ) take care of the room acoustics in their instrument (playing) rooms….

It’s just not feasible not to…A drum set for instance without any room treatment? A bass guitar or piano?

IME most instruments like this are quite loud and sound like hell in an untreated typical residential room (aside from arena size).

The factor of “diminishing returns”  kicks in…

the difference between mid-fi vs. hi-fi electronic equipment shrinks a lot!